Exercises for 1st three Weeks of ACL surgery
Goal for first two weeks
Decrease pain and swelling of knee joint
To achieve full extension of knee
To do ADL (activities of daily living) without discomfort
- Limb Elevation, Pillow under Heel not under the knee
2. hip abductor with or without the brace
3. Knee Bending – Heel Slide and in prone position
4. Partial Weight-bearing with Walker with knee full extent
5. Calf Stretching with Towel
6. Hamstring stretching exercise
Exercises for 3rd to 6th week
To achieve knee pain less
To achieve no effusion or swelling
To achieve full range of motion of knee
To do day to day activities without difficulty
All above plus
1. Knee Bending
Active Assisted Knee Flexion
In Prone Position
2. Hip adductor in supine or sitting position
3. Heal raise
4. Hamstring curl
Exercise for 6th to 12th week
Now your knee should be about to painless in range of motion exercise and also in weight bearing. Now you should be able to do all day to day activities and you are able to extend your knee full without any extension lag.
Now you are ready to enter in to 2nd phase of rehabilitation of ACL surgery.it is recommended that if possible you should do supervised physiotherapy at this phase so you will be able to to enter in to last phase of exercise with ease
Do all previous exercise first then start session as
1. Straight leg raising in all plane
2. Wall slide with tibia vertical
3. Hamstring curl with increasing weight at foot
4. Quadriceps strengthening without weight
5. Double leg press with increasing weight
6. Single leg press with increasing weight
7. Treadmill starting from 4km per hour to 6km per hour at 12 weeks
8. Stationary bike
Exercise after 12th weeks
Now you will enter in to strengthening of your all muscles and improve kinematic of your knee so you can achieve your previous level of activities.
All 2nd phase exercise then start session with
1. Quadriceps strengthening with increasing weight till maximum weight
2. Hamstring curl with maximum weight
3. Trademill with increasing speed
4. Zigzag walking in ground
5.double and single leg press with maximum weight
6. Skipping
7. From jogging to running
8. Strengthening exercise of all hip joint muscles
After this phase you are now ready to go back to your previous activity level and to your sports. Training for various sports will resume at this periods and then you can return to your sports
Things to remember during ACL physiotherapy
- Do as your surgeon or physio advise
- Avoid squatting and cross leg sitting for 12weeks
- Always warm up your body before start your game
This physiotherapy protocol is called as accelerated physiotherapy protocol and it is specific for patients operated by dr. anil sharma so please talk to your doctor before do exercise according to this protocol.